2nd Annual Stoga 5v5 Laxfest a Huge Success!

Congratulations to the Lady Pioneer Booster Club, the Conestoga Girls’ Lacrosse Team, the Fighting Back Scholarship Program (FBSP), and the Kienzle Family, for putting on an outstanding day of lacrosse, charity and community! Coaches, players and guest clinicians of exceptional caliber came far and wide to participate in the 2nd annual event.
4Twenty teams and close to 160 girls in Grades 5 through 9 participated in instructional clinics followed by a novel format that was participatory and fast-paced. They played hard and fast with lots of touches and changing circumstances – the formula for getting better!
While raising proceeds for the Conestoga Girls’ Lacrosse Team, the 5v5 LaxFest also raised funds for FBSP and its Peter Kienzle Fund. The event kicked off with a heartfelt opening speech by Dr. Randy Kienzle, Peter’s brother, which set the perfect tone for this community event. FBSP assists individuals who are recovering from a life-changing illness or injury and are without the finances needed to participate in a rehabilitative exercise program. The Kienzle Fund was established in memory of Peter Kienzle, a cherished member of the Conestoga lacrosse community and father of Conestoga player Amelia.
3This event could not have happened let alone achieved its enormous success without the vision, direction, and sweat equity of Mr. Scott Growney, father of Conestoga player Scottie Rose and tournament organizer. Scott’s expertise in high caliber tournament production elevated the 5v5 to new heights and we are all forever grateful. Let’s hope he has enough left in him to do it again next year!
1Thanks to 5v5 sponsors Longstreth and Lacrosse Unlimited, vendors and volunteers, McCall Growney for an exceptional concession, Pioneer Quix Stix for promoting the event to its membership, the Tredyffrin-Easttown School District for permitting the Lady Pioneers to use Teamer Field for the event. Special thanks to Emma Hamm, Andrea Pfeiffer, and Coach Amy Orcutt (and the rest of her Conestoga coaching staff), for conducting such interesting and informative clinic sessions. We are also grateful to the Mike McGee and his team from C4 Performance Training for running the dynamic warm-up, as well as to Aspire Sports Medicine for providing our event trainer.
On behalf of the tournament organizers, we appreciate everyone’s participation and sportsmanship and hope all had a fun and festive time. We look forward to seeing you again at the 3rd Annual Stoga 5v5 LaxFest next year!